An A.I.-Powered

White-Label Publishing and Web Hosting Platform for Wellness Professionals.

At Mindful Casted, we create beautiful and practical websites, funnels, white-label digital media, and AI-powered tools to help wellness professionals and businesses retain clients and grow their customer base.

We build AI-powered wellness sites, funnels, media, and chatbots to help your clients change their mindset and thrive via science-based routines and exercises.

White-Label Wellness

At Mindful Casted, we create white-label digital wellness media assets and templates from mental wellness platforms to in-house composing of meditation music and visuals, ebooks, workbooks, courses, assessments, quizzes, recipes, scripts, funnels, website templates, and more! Everything you need for powerful lead magnets! Build your wellness brand with our assets!

Science-Based Wellness

Our digital media assets are science-based and use CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) and HRV (Heart Rate Variability) elements to create an awareness of how stress, anxiety, habits, and behavior affect your overall mental and physical well-being. We are a Heart Math certified organization, and the heart is at the center of everything we do!

A.I. Chatbots Tech/SaaS

Our templates are easily edited to fit your brand via technology such as,, OpenAI, Canva, Microsoft, and more! You can easily host your funnels, websites, lead pages, digital media, and more at affordable rates via our preferred web hosting partner, Made Speedy.  Our A.I. chatbots are trained to coach your clients and echo your wellness practices!

Start or Enhance Your Wellness Practice or Business With Our High-Growth Marketing, Sales, and Business Tools for Wellness Professionals!

When you sign up for a free 14-day trial on our platform, receive a free sample wellness guide to help jumpstart building your web presence.  Discover how our high-quality, expert content and tools can help you retain and gain new clients for your wellness practice.  Build a bright, bold, and engaging brand!

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A.I.-Based Quizzes

Our A.I.-based quiz tool is the first step in using our mindfulness regimen generator.  Below are examples of our mindfulness assessment quiz topics and our habit and behavior quiz.

Routines & Regimens

Our mindfulness and meditation routines are science-based, and practicing our daily exercises may help your clients improve their mindset and thrive in your everyday life!

HIPAA Compliant

Our assessments on the Made Speedy and platforms are HIPAA compliant; no identifiable information is stored on our assessments, and all feedback is shown to the user only.

Build Mindful Habits  and Behavior

Our daily regimens and routines support the creation of a solid foundation for mental and physical well-being through repetition and awareness.  We invite you to take your life off autopilot to observe yourself and the outcomes you experience daily. 

Are you repeating specific patterns and outcomes each year?  Our assessments invite you to dig deep and examine your motives and intentions.  How does being untruthful affect your mental and physical health?  Can the lack of truth in your life trigger anxiety issues?

Mindfulness is Awareness via Your Whole Body!

Mindfulness is not simply the awareness of your mind, thoughts, and feelings but the awareness and acknowledgment of your entire body as a messenger. How in tune are you with your body when it tells you something is right or wrong for you?   You know, that feeling in your "gut" you are moving in the wrong or right direction. 

Too often, we ignore these signals from our bodies as "nerves" rather than instinct or intuition.  We often defer to our minds to look for a logical explanation for what we feel in the moment rather than trusting ourselves.  We have painted our intuition into a magical or miraculous circumstance that only happens once every blue moon rather than trusting how we feel daily.  Our programs help you to recognize and incorporate behavior that leads to a regulated nervous system.

Creating High-Quality Wellness Content That Promotes Lasting Change!

We create high-quality wellness content, publications, platforms, and so much more to ensure that real and lasting changes are produced and maintained through science-backed routines and regimens.  Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your company with free digital wellness assets as well as customizable assets that match your brand's voice and feel.

When you sign up for a free 14-day trial on our platform, receive a free sample wellness guide to help jumpstart building your web presence.  Discover how our high-quality, expert content and tools can help you retain and gain new clients for your wellness practice.  Build a bright, bold, and engaging brand!

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